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    Ambient sound was measured in Storfjorden, Svalbard at frequencies from 30 to 24000 Hz at a depth of around 20 meters. The measurements were carried out in open sea at depths of about 100 metres or more. The measurements were carried out using a drifting small boat, where the engine was turned off. Thereafter, a second small boat was used for transmitting pings at 11 kHz towards the first small boat at different depths and ranges. The experiment was carried out in June 2020 by Master students under supervision, as part of a research school in the Barents Sea with K/V Svalbard, organized under the UAK project lead by the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre.

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    Ambient sound was measured in Storfjorden, Svalbard at frequencies from 30 to 24000 Hz at a depth of around 20 meters. The measurements were carried out in open sea at depths of about 100 metres or more. The measurements were carried out using a drifting small boat, where the engine was turned off. Thereafter, a second small boat was used for transmitting pings at 11 kHz towards the first small boat at different depths and ranges. The experiment was carried out in June 2020 by Master students under supervision, as part of a research school in the Barents Sea with K/V Svalbard, organized under the UAK project lead by the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre.

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    Ambient sound was measured in Storfjorden, Svalbard at frequencies from 30 to 24000 Hz at a depth of around 20 meters. The measurements were carried out in open sea at depths of about 100 metres or more. The measurements were carried out using a drifting small boat, where the engine was turned off. Thereafter, a second small boat was used for transmitting pings at 11 kHz towards the first small boat at different depths and ranges. The experiment was carried out in June 2020 by Master students under supervision, as part of a research school in the Barents Sea with K/V Svalbard, organized under the UAK project lead by the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre.

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    Ambient sound was measured in Storfjorden, Svalbard at frequencies from 30 to 24000 Hz at depths from 4 to 20 meters. The measurements were carried out near land and melting ice bergs. The measurements were carried out using a drifting small boat, where the engine was turned off. Thereafter, a second small boat was used for transmitting pings at 11 kHz towards the first small boat at different depths and ranges. The experiment was carried out in June 2020 by Master students under supervision, as part of a research school in the Barents Sea with K/V Svalbard, organized under the UAK project lead by the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre.

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    CTD data collected in Storfjorden, Svalbard, during the UAK 2020 Research School with KV Svalbard. Data collected for two sections in Storfjorden, one along-fjord section from the mouth towards the head of the fjord, and one cross-section along its sill. Data averaged and interpolated to 1 m intervals, and manually reviewed.

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    Data collected with LISST-VSF in Storfjorden, Svalbard, during the UAK 2020 Research School with KV Svalbard.

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    XBT data collected north of Svalbard, during the UAK 2021 Research School with KV Svalbard. Data has been processed with the Sea-Bird SBEDataprocessing tool.

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    CTD data collected north of Svalbard, during the UAK 2021 Research School with KV Svalbard. Data has been processed with the Sea-Bird SBEDataprocessing tool.