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    CTD data collected in Bjørnafjorden and Langenuen, Norway, during a cruise with KV Tor.

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    CTD data file from the INTAROS2018 cruise on KV Svalbard in summer 2018.

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    XBT data collected north of Svalbard, during the UAK 2021 Research School with KV Svalbard. Data has been processed with the Sea-Bird SBEDataprocessing tool.

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    CTD data collected in Bjørnafjorden and Langenuen, Norway, during a cruise with KV Tor.

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    Ambient sound was measured in Storfjorden, Svalbard at frequencies from 30 to 24000 Hz at depths from 4 to 20 meters. The measurements were carried out near land and melting ice bergs. The measurements were carried out using a drifting small boat, where the engine was turned off. Thereafter, a second small boat was used for transmitting pings at 11 kHz towards the first small boat at different depths and ranges. The experiment was carried out in June 2020 by Master students under supervision, as part of a research school in the Barents Sea with K/V Svalbard, organized under the UAK project lead by the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre.

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    Nansen Nordic Seas Database contains data from 1870-2010. This product contains oceanographic data extracted from NNSD, gridded to a 1 degree grid with monthly-mean values at [0m,5000m) depth. Variables: temperature, alkalinity, chlorophyll, nitrate, nitrite, oxygen, ph, phosphate, salinity and silicate.

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    This dataset is based on acoustic recordings from five moorings deployed during the UNDER-ICE experiment in the Fram Strait. The UI1 mooring carried 8 hydrophones: HM501 (467m), HM502 (476m), HM504 (494m), HM505 (503m), HM506 (512m), HM507 (521m), HM509 (530m), HM310 (539m). A total of 8188 recordings were obtained from each hydrophone every 3 hours from Sep 2014 - Jan 2016. The UI2 mooring carried 10 hydrophones: HM511 (336m), HM512 (327m), HM513 (318m), HM514 (309m), HM515 (300m), HM516 (291m), HM517 (282m), HM518 (273m), HM519 (264m), HM320 (255m). A total of 4358 recordings were obtained from each hydrophone every 3 hours from Sep 2014 - Jan 2016. The UI3 mooring carried 10 hydrophones: HM521 (317m), HM522 (308m), HM523 (299m), HM524 (290m), HM525 (281m), HM526 (272m), HM527 (263m), HM528 (254m), HM529 (245m), HM330 (236m). A total of 8188 recordings were obtained from each hydrophone every 3 hours from Sep 2014 - Jan 2016. The UI4 mooring carried 10 hydrophones: HM531 (313m), HM532 (304m), HM533 (295m), HM534 (286m), HM535 (277m), HM536 (268m), HM537 (259m), HM538 (250m), HM539 (241m), HM340 (232). A total of 8189 recordings were obtained from each hydrophone every 3 hours from Sep 2014 - Jan 2016. The UI5 mooring carried 9 hydrophones: HM542 (565m), HM543 (556m), HM544 (547m), HM545 (538m), HM546 (529m), HM547 (520m), HM548 (511m), HM549 (502m), HM550 (493m). A total of 4359 recordings were obtained from each hydrophone every 3 hours from Sep 2014 - Mar 2016. Each acoustic recording covered 130 s with sampling rate 1000Hz. 10-, 50- and 90- percentiles of sound pressure and power were calculated for each reception using 50 % overlapping Hanning window with a window length of 1024 samples. The units for sound pressure is Pa. The unit for power (ocean sound level) is dB re uPa2 Hz-1. Noise by cable strumming is included. The processing is described in Geyer et al. 2021

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    XBT profiles of temperature, pressure and sound speed in the Fram Strait from KV Svalbard in September 2011. There are a total of 45 profiles and 114176 observations. The XBT probe T5 was used, see for more info on the probe.

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    CTD data collected north of Svalbard, during the UAK 2021 Research School with KV Svalbard. Data has been processed with the Sea-Bird SBEDataprocessing tool.

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    XBT profiles of temperature, pressure and XCTD profiles of temperature, pressure, salinity were collected in the Fram Strait from KV Svalbard in September 2014. The data collection also include calculated sound speed profiles provided by the instrument manufacturer. There are a total of 44 profiles and 231149 observations.